Civil society advocacy
Barnes, C., Van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. P. (2016). Advocating for change? How a civil society-led coalition influences the implementation of the forest rights act in India. World Development, 84, 162-175.
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Civic space
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Civil society and capacity development
Antlöv, H., Brinkerhoff, D. W., & Rapp, E. (2010). Civil society capacity building for democratic reform: Experience and lessons from Indonesia. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 21(3), 417-439.
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Wetterberg, A., Brinkerhoff, D. W., & Hertz, J. C. (2015). From compliant to capable: Balanced capacity development for local organisations. Development in Practice, 25(7), 966-985.
Civil society collaborations and transnational advocacy
AbouAssi, K. (2013). Hands in the pockets of mercurial donors: NGO response to shifting funding priorities. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(3), 584-602.
Abrahamsen, R. (2004). The power of partnerships in global governance. Third World Quarterly, 25(8), 1453-1467.
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Civil society and disaster risk reduction
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Civil society and the state
Noakes, S. (2017). The advocacy trap: Transnational activism and state power in China. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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Civil society and women’s rights
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Civil society in the Global South
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