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Suparana Katyaini

margit van wessel

Suparana Katyaini is an independent researcher. She has been one of the postdocs in the Civil Society Dynamics project at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.  Her research explored how diverse (CSOs) construct their role of representing the vulnerable to disaster risk.  For this, she conducted in-depth interviews with staff of diverse CSOs engaged in disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Indian states of Bihar and Gujarat. 

Suparana Katyaini’s research interest and expertise lie in environmental and developmental issues which include water resources governance and management, climate change adaptation, and risk and resilience. 

She has an interdisciplinary academic background, with a B.Sc. (Life Sciences), M.Sc. (Environmental Studies), and a PhD (Ecological Economics). Her doctoral research work was on examining the sustainability in agricultural water use in India to mitigate water scarcity at the science-policy interface. The doctoral thesis was titled ‘Science-policy interface to mitigate water scarcity in India: an assessment of Virtual Water Flows’.

Prior to the Civil Society Dynamics project, she carried out research on ‘women’s voices from  Brahmaputra’ as a recipient of the inaugural Vera Thiess Fellowship for Women from the International River Foundation (IRF), Australia (2016-17). During this research she explored the indigenous women’s participation in water and river governance in selected parts of Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh. In 2016, she was associated with UNDP Cap-Net as network attachment to develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning plan (MELP) for the capacity development activities on sustainable water management.

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We are the Civil Society Research Collective (CSRC), a group of academic researchers from the USA, India and the Netherlands.