Sarbeswar Sahoo
Sarbeswar Sahoo is associate professor of sociology at the department of Humanities and Social Science at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. He was one of the Principal Investigators of the Civil Society Dynamics project. In the project, he guided postdoctoral researchers who were based at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. In particular, he supervised and supported three of the postdoctoral scholars who examined questions of collaboration, representation, and state-civil society relationship in the domain of disaster governance.
His research interests include state, civil society and democratization in India.
Sarbeswar Sahoo was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Erfurt (Germany) and Charles Wallace Fellow at Queen's University Belfast (UK). He received his PhD from the National University of Singapore and has held Visiting Fellowships at University of Groningen (Netherlands), University of Cardiff (UK), University of Muenster (Germany), University of Erfurt (Germany), Roskilde University (Denmark), Queen’s University Belfast (UK), and NUS (Singapore). Sahoo's research interests include civil society and state relationship and sociology of religion in the South Asian context. He has published several peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters on these issues.
Recent key open access publications
Berger, P. & Sahoo, S. eds. (2020). Godroads: Modalities of Conversion in India, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press
Sahoo, S. (2018) Pentecostalism and Politics of Conversion in India, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press
Sahoo, S. (2018). The multiple faces of civil society in India. In P. Kamruzzaman (Ed.) Civil Society in the Global South (pp.104-119). London: Routledge
Sahoo, S. (2017). Market liberalism, marginalised citizens, and countermovements in India. Asian Studies Review, 41(1),1-19
Sahoo, S. (2017). Civil Society in South Asia, Oxford Bibliographies Online in Political Science. Available at:
Sahoo, S. (2014). Civil Society and Democratization: A Counter-case from India, Democratization, 21(3), 480-500
Sahoo, S. (2013). Civil society and democratization in India: Institutions, ideologies and interests. London: Routledge.
Sahoo, S. (2013). Doing Development or Creating Dependency? NGOs and Civil Society in India. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 36(2), 258-272
Tel. +91-11-2659-1371
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