Reetika Syal
Reetika Syal is assistant professor at Jain Deemed-to-be University, Bangalore. She has been one of the postdocs in the Civil Society Dynamics project at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. For this project, Reetika Syal studied collaborations between state and civil society organizations in disaster governance. She analyzed the reasons for collaborations, the expectations that the state has from CSOs, and how CSOs navigate their way within these collaborations. She also sought to bring out different types of collaborative relations that state and civil society organizations engage in. She conducted fieldwork in the Indian states of Bihar and Gujarat, and in Delhi.
Reetika Syal holds a PhD in political science and has over eight years of experience in the development sector including research in rural and urban Governance; service delivery; inclusive and sustainable development.
Her doctoral research was titled ‘Civil Society and Inclusive Governance: Delivery of Elementary Education in Madhya Pradesh’, for which she studied how collaboration between the state and civil society organizations impacts delivery of education.
Recent key open access publications
Shastri, S., Syal, R, Palshikar, S. & Sarawgi, S. (2016). South Asia: An arm's length embrace of democracy. In R. Mattes, D. Denemark and R. G. Niemi (Eds.) Growing up democratic (pp. 105-124). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Syal, R. (2016). Decentralisation and civil society: Elementary education delivery in Madhya Pradesh. In E. Venkatesu (Ed.) Democratic decentralisation in India. Experiences, issues and challenges (pp- 156-173). New Dehli: Routledge.
Shastri, S. & Syal, R. (2014). The Modi Factor in 2014. In S. Palshikar, S. Kumar and S. Lodha (Eds.), Electoral politics in India: The resurgence of the Bharatiya Janata Party (pp. 215-229). New Delhi: Routledge
Shastri, S. & Syal, R. (2014). Leadership in Context: Impact of Leadership in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, Economic and Political Weekly, 49(39), 77-81. Available at: https://www.lokniti.org/media/upload_files/Leadership%20in%20Context.pdf
Syal, R. (2012). What are the effects of educational mobility on political interest and participation in the Indian electorate, Asian Survey, 52(2), 423-439. Available at: https://as.ucpress.edu/content/52/2/423.full.pdf+html
Syal, R. (2011). Civil society organisations and delivery of elementary education in Madhya Pradesh: An empirical analysis. Bangalore: Institute for Social and Economic Change. Available at: http://www.isec.ac.in/WP%20268%20-%20Reetika%20Syal.pdf

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