Nandini Deo
Nandini Deo is associate professor in political science at Lehigh University, USA. She was one of the principal investigators in the Civil Society Dynamics project, with a key role in guiding and supporting three postdocs working on advocacy concerning marginalized sections of Indian society in their research and writing. Her expertise is in civil society, specifically in the field of gender.
Nandini Deo’s first book The Politics of Collective Advocacy in India was co-authored with Duncan McDuie Ra and focused on the gains of NGOs networking transnationally.
Her second book, Mobilizing Religion and Gender in India: The role of activism compares the rise and fall of women’s movements and religious nationalism as an outcome of activist strategies as they responded to changing political structures.
She edited a book with Bloomsbury Press called Postsecular Feminisms, which looks at how critiques of secularism have created new opportunities for feminist engagement with religion and politics.
Deo serves as a book review editor for Politics, Religion and Ideology. She is active in the Women and Politics and Religion and Politics sections of the American Political Science Association.
Currently she is spending a year in Mumbai finishing her research for a book on how corporate social responsibility spending in India is impacting the country’s civil society.
Phone: +12034155351
Recent key open access publications
Deo, N. (2016). Mobilizing Religion and Gender in India: The Role of Activism. Abingdon and new York: Routledge. -
Deo, N. (2015). A Brief History of Indian Corporate Social Responsibility. -
Deo, N. (2012). Indian Women’s Activists and Transnational Feminism Over the Twentieth Century. Journal of Women’s History, 2012, 24(4, 149-174 -
Deo, N., & McDuie-Ra, D. (2011). The politics of collective advocacy in India: Tools and traps. Sterling: Kumarian Press. -
Deo, N. (2007). Structure and Strategies: Two Faces of Civic Activism in India. Journal of Civil Society 3(2), 137-157
YouTube Channel

We are the Civil Society Research Collective (CSRC), a group of academic researchers from the USA, India and the Netherlands.