Farhat Naz
Farhat Naz currently works as assistant professor of Sociology in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IITJ) Rajasthan, India. Farhat Naz has been one of the postdocs in the Civil Society Dynamics project at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. For the Civil Society Dynamics project, she studied southern perspectives on advocacy collaborations in the context of disaster management, zooming in on questions of diversity and complementarity. For this project she carried out in-depth interviews with staff of CSOs across India.
Farhat Naz is a development sociologist by academic training, holding a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Bonn, Germany. She specializes in natural resource management, disaster risk reduction, gender, public policy and governance studies.
She has recently joined as Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IITJ) Rajasthan, India. She has more than eight years of research experience, in working on bilateral and multilateral research projects: funded by GIZ, ACIAR, IUCN, CGIAR, NWO, USAID and DFID, to name a few. She has worked in development research projects on India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire and Peru.
Recent key publications
Naz, F. (Forthcoming). Land Grabbing in Common Property Resources: A Case Study of a Gujarat Village, India’. In P. Nayak (Ed.) Land Rights in India. New Delhi: Springer.
Naz, F. (2018). Adivasis Water Exchange and Caste-Based Water Lords: A Case of Groundwater Market in a Village of Gujarat, India. In V. Srinivasa Rao (Ed.) Adivasi Rights and Exclusion in India (pp. 100-115). London: Routledge
Buisson, M-C., Curnow, J & Naz, F. (2017). The gap between water management and water users: Gendered disabilities from southwest Bangladesh’, South Asian Water Studies Journal, 5(4), pp.28-41.
Naz, F. (2016). Gendered Groundwater Market in Rural Gujarat, India: An Unequal and Patriarchal Space. Indian Anthropologist, 46(1), 31-46.
Catacutan, D. & Naz, F. (2015). Gender Roles, Decision-Making and Challenges to Agroforestry Adoption in Northwest Vietnam. International Forestry Review, 17(S4), 22-32
Naz, F. (2015). Water, Water Lords, and Caste: A Village Study from Gujarat, India. Capitalism Nature Socialism 26(3), 89-101
Naz, F. (2014). The Socio-Cultural Context of Water: Study of a Gujarat Village. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.
Tel.: +91-291-2801411
We are the Civil Society Research Collective (CSRC), a group of academic researchers from the USA, India and the Netherlands.